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Add Payment Settings

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  1. Add Payment Details

Here's how to add your payment details on Lift Vault Market.

Add Payment Details

    1. To start, make sure you're logged into the site admin section.
    2. Navigate to Profile --> Payment Details within the navigation menu.
    3. Payment options are PayPal or Bank Wire Transfer .
    4. If you choose PayPal, then simply provide the email address of your PayPal account. If you choose Bank Wire Transfer, please add the below details.


Bank Wire Transfer (Zelle option)

Zelle is great! If you're on Zelle, we love Zelle. It's the fastest way to get paid.

      1. First and last name
      2. Email address OR phone number associated with your Zelle account
      3. Please specify that you are using Zelle by writing "Zelle" in the info box


Bank wire transfer details (US accounts):

      1. First and last name
      2. Street Address
      3. City
      4. State
      5. Zip Code
      6. Email Address
      7. Routing Number
      8. Account Number
      9. Account Type (checking or savings)


Bank wire transfer details (International accounts):

      1. First and last name
      2. Street Address
      3. City
      4. State
      5. Zip Code
      6. Email Address
      7. SWIFT / BIC code (or equivalent)
      8. IBAN / Account number


Basically, if you choose a wire transfer then I need to know where to send the money. There are usually two types of numbers: the country specific number (routing, SWIFT, BSB, etc.) and the account number.


If you're stuck, contact support@liftvault.com and we'll get you sorted.


Updated on 29 Dec 2022