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Basic Progressive Overload

Basic Progressive Overload

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Day 1:

Week one should challenge you, but not kill you. Each week will get progressively more difficult. You’ll deload (rest week) after week 4, and then you can re-run this program or start a new one! You’ll use RIR for the difficulty rating scale.

RIR: Reps In Reserve. If you have a set of 10 reps with a goal of “3 RIR”, that means you should be able to do 13 reps, but you stopped at 10. RIR 4-5 Is a diff easy, RIR 2-3 Is diff Medium, and RIR 0-1 is Diff Hard/ close to failure.


Day 1:

4 x 10 Goblet Squat with Dumbbell RIR 1

3 x 10ea leg. Bulgarian Split Squat. Add weight if bodyweight is easy – RIR 2

3 x 12 Prone Hamstring Curls RIR 2

Superset with

3 x 12 Seated Knee Extension RIR 2

3 x 10 Neutral Grip Medium Width MAG Lat Pulldowns RIR 2

3 x 10 Ab Roll outs


Day 2:

3 x 10 Standing Bench Press (RIR 2-3)

Superset with

3 x 10 Seated Row (RIR 2)

4 x 10 Low Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press RIR 2

3 x max Pushups or pushup variation (Knee pushups, incline pushups, etc.)

3 x 10 Hanging knee raise (Add weight if easy)


Day 3:

4 x 6 Trap Bar Deadlift (Low Handles) RIR 2 or 65% of 1RM

4 x 10 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts RIR 2

4 x 10 Bent over Barbell Row, hands pronated (Overhand) RIR 2

10 laps (down and back turf) Sled Push heavy



Week two should push you a little more than last week, especially now that you’re familiar with the exercises. You’ll notice that the RIR will be lower (so harder) but that doesn’t always mean you have to go up in weight. It’s difficulty rating for THAT session. Some days things feel heavier or lighter than others!


Day 1:

4 x 10 Goblet Squat with Dumbbell RIR 1

3 x 10ea leg. Bulgarian Split Squat. Add weight if bodyweight is easy – RIR 2

4 x 12 Prone Hamstring Curls RIR 2

Superset with

4 x 12 Seated Knee Extension RIR 2

4 x 10 Neutral Grip Medium Width MAG Lat Pulldowns RIR 2

3 x 10 Ab Roll outs


Day 2:

4 x 10 Standing Bench Press (RIR 1.5-2)

Superset with

4 x 10 Seated Row (RIR 1)

4 x 10 Low Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press RIR 2

3 x max Pushups or pushup variation (Knee pushups, incline pushup)

3 x 10 Hanging knee raise (Add weight if easy)


Day 3:

4 x 6 Trap Bar Deadlift (Low Handles) RIR 1-2 or 67.5% of 1RM

4 x 8 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts RIR 2

4 x 10 Bent over Barbell Row, hands pronated (Overhand) RIR 2

10 laps (down and back turf) Sled Push heavy






Week three you’ll be getting a little closer to failure. Aiming towards a hard difficulty or 1 RIR.


Day 1:

4 x 10 Goblet Squat with Dumbbell RIR 0

3 x 10ea leg. Bulgarian Split Squat. Add weight if bodyweight is easy – RIR 1

4 x 10 Prone Hamstring Curls RIR 0

Superset with

4 x 10 Seated Knee Extension RIR 0

4 x 10 Neutral Grip Medium Width MAG Lat Pulldowns RIR 1

3 x 10 Ab Roll outs


Day 2:

4 x 10 Standing Bench Press RIR 1

Superset with

4 x 10 Seated Row RIR 0

4 x 10 Low Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press RIR 1

3 x max Pushups or pushup variation (Knee pushups, incline pushup)

3 x 10 Hanging knee raise (Add weight if easy)


Day 3:

4 x 6 Trap Bar Deadlift (Low Handles) RIR 1-2 or 70%-72.5% of 1RM

4 x 8 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts RIR 0

4 x 10 Bent over Barbell Row, hands pronated (Overhand) RIR 0

10 laps (down and back turf) Sled Push heavy







Final week before a deload! Push yourself this week. Try to stay justtt shy of actual failure on the exercises unless specified.


Day 1:

5 x 10 Goblet Squat with Dumbbell RIR 0

3 x 10ea leg. Bulgarian Split Squat. Add weight if bodyweight is easy – RIR 0

3 x 10 Prone Hamstring Curls RIR 0

Superset with

3 x 10 Seated Knee Extension RIR 0

1 x Max reps Prone Hamstring Curl (use one plate lower from the weight from above)

1 x Max reps Seated Knee Extension (use one plate lower from weight from above)

5 x 10 Neutral Grip Medium Width MAG Lat Pulldowns RIR 1

3 x 10 Ab Roll outs


Day 2:

4 x 10 Standing Bench Press RIR 0

Superset with

4 x 10 Seated Row RIR 0

4 x 10 Low Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press RIR 0

3 x max Pushups or pushup variation (knee pushups, incline pushup)

3 x Max Reps Hanging knee raise (weight if easy)


Day 3:

4 x 6 Trap Bar Deadlift (Low Handles) RIR 1 or 75% of 1RM

4 x 8 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts RIR 0

4 x 10 Bent over Barbell Row, hands pronated (Overhand) RIR 0

10 laps (down and back turf) Sled Push heavy





Recovery week! Things should feel relatively light weight wise. If possible, don’t drop your calories. To recover well we need food! Once you are done this deload, you can circle back to week one and start the program again. Log your weights and see if you can start everything 2.5-5% heavier than the first time you ran this mesocycle. You can switch up accessories if you’d like, but if you are still progressing with them then there is no need to.


Day 1:

3 x 8 Goblet Squat with Dumbbell (10LBS lighter than week 4’s)

3 x 10ea leg. Bulgarian Split Squat – No weight

3 x 10 Neutral Grip Medium Width MAG Lat Pulldowns RIR 3

3 x 10 Ab Roll outs

15 Minutes Cardio of Choice


Day 2:

3 x 10 Standing Bench Press RIR 4

Superset with

3 x 10 Seated Row RIR 3

3 x 10 Low Incline Close Grip Dumbbell Bench Press 25% lighter than week 4’s

2 x max Pushups or pushup variation (knee pushups, incline pushup)

3 x 15 Reps Hanging Knee Raise – No weight

15 Minutes cardio or yoga


Day 3:

3 x 6 Trap Bar Deadlift (Low Handles) RIR 2 or 70% of 1RM

3 x 8 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts RIR 2

3 x 10 Bent over Barbell Row, hands pronated (Overhand) RIR 2

10 Minutes reverse sled drag


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